This November’s energy is like a cornucopia of abundance. We have mystery and wonder, endings and beginnings, growth, quiet time, moodiness and time to go within and reflect. It’s all brewing!
When things are going along smoothly and feel easy, you probably feel comfortable. However, that is not a time of major growth. That is OK. We all need opportunities to recuperate. When things feel difficult, that is when the growing and learning are taking place. It is likely that you and most people you know have been going through some challenges so far this fall. With the energy we have lined up, that is to be expected. That energy remains with us into the spring.
Remember when you were in 7th grade and learning a new concept like algebra? If you were like me, your head probably hurt. After a while things began to click and the anxiety subsided. We are all experiencing that type of growth right now, but just on a grander scale. You can see it unfolding personally, professionally, and globally.
It is not necessarily that you are to mend or resolve anything. It is alright to just be. Observe. See where the chips fall. Mysteries continue to abound. That is something we were introduced to in October, and that energy does continue throughout the fall. An example of this challenging energy playing out on a world stage can be seen with the United States presidential election. The energy of the universe is still very much in flux. We shall see what the next few months bring.
October brought us some discomfort in the form of breakdowns and temper tantrums, almost like a toddler. They were sometimes irrational but definitely emotional (thanks Oct. 2 eclipse). Welp, November has a continuation of that in store. To me, it feels like temper tantrums tween/ teenage style. So think more defiant, stubborn, grudge holding, people trying to bend rules to get their own way. You know what this looks like. Much like last month, I encourage you to try to compromise, diffuse or simply walk away. Engaging will not be worth your energy.
How can you use this wishy washy energy to your advantage?
While the energy of the universe is in flux, spirit tells me it is important for us to create a sense of stability within our own lives. That means making or sticking to schedules, even if they are loose schedules. Make plans with friends or line up little getaways. It is important to have things that you look forward to, always, but especially at this time. This energy affords you the opportunity to pivot, make changes and get rid of that which no longer serves you. November also continues to be a great time to go within. Hibernate a bit. Consider your own thoughts and feelings first. Check in with your gut and and heart to see what they are telling you. That yields very valuable information. You can make room for new growth (and probably already have been). A simple activity is to list things that you are grateful for. Writing them down is powerful, but so is saying them aloud. Your voice has a vibration which is recognized by the universe. Either way, you are signaling positivity and you know, like attracts like. You’ll be surprised at how long your list becomes the more you practice gratitude.
Examples: Thank you universe for… family, friends, health, food, shelter, comfort, warmth, sunshine, fresh air, ocean, pumpkins, love, freedom, safety, security…
Another simple way to attract positive energy is to sit in quiet, and make a list of I AM statements. That basically sends a message to the universe that you are like a magnet for positive energy and ready to receive more. The more you do this exercise the easier it will become. Try to be specific as spirit is not great at reading between the lines (they are quite literal). Write the statements as if they are all already true and happening, even if you only 2% believe it.
I AM at peace.
I AM beautiful.
I AM intelligent.
I AM supported in all ways by my spirit team.
I AM experiencing professional freedom.
I AM financially wealthy.
I AM grateful for the abundance of love in my life.
We all contribute to the collective consciousness. The more positivity we send into the universe the more positivity reflects back to Earth. That is good for everyone! If you find yourself going down a rabbit hole, you can say “Cancel, clear, delete.” Then restate that thought in a positive way.
When I said that this November is like a “cornucopia of abundance”, I did not say that you would like everything being offered. However, you can pick and choose what you will tolerate or not. You can decide how you will react to situations. Most importantly, you can help chart this new terrain with your positive thinking and actions. As an older soul you will find yourself as the adult in the room. Your actions will have a trickle down effect on those around you. Try to see this time through children’s eyes, with wonder and excitement instead of apprehension. What is going to happen next? How will this adventure unfold? Let’s see!
For more specifics on the astrology of what is happening at this time, check out what Pam Gregory has to say. She’s lovely!
New Moon in Scorpio November 1st 2024
Finally, I’ll leave you with this song that caught my attention recently. It feels very timely. Jesus Jones Right Here, Right Now
When things are going along smoothly and feel easy, you probably feel comfortable. However, that is not a time of major growth. That is OK. We all need opportunities to recuperate. When things feel difficult, that is when the growing and learning are taking place. It is likely that you and most people you know have been going through some challenges so far this fall. With the energy we have lined up, that is to be expected. That energy remains with us into the spring.
Remember when you were in 7th grade and learning a new concept like algebra? If you were like me, your head probably hurt. After a while things began to click and the anxiety subsided. We are all experiencing that type of growth right now, but just on a grander scale. You can see it unfolding personally, professionally, and globally.
It is not necessarily that you are to mend or resolve anything. It is alright to just be. Observe. See where the chips fall. Mysteries continue to abound. That is something we were introduced to in October, and that energy does continue throughout the fall. An example of this challenging energy playing out on a world stage can be seen with the United States presidential election. The energy of the universe is still very much in flux. We shall see what the next few months bring.
October brought us some discomfort in the form of breakdowns and temper tantrums, almost like a toddler. They were sometimes irrational but definitely emotional (thanks Oct. 2 eclipse). Welp, November has a continuation of that in store. To me, it feels like temper tantrums tween/ teenage style. So think more defiant, stubborn, grudge holding, people trying to bend rules to get their own way. You know what this looks like. Much like last month, I encourage you to try to compromise, diffuse or simply walk away. Engaging will not be worth your energy.
How can you use this wishy washy energy to your advantage?
While the energy of the universe is in flux, spirit tells me it is important for us to create a sense of stability within our own lives. That means making or sticking to schedules, even if they are loose schedules. Make plans with friends or line up little getaways. It is important to have things that you look forward to, always, but especially at this time. This energy affords you the opportunity to pivot, make changes and get rid of that which no longer serves you. November also continues to be a great time to go within. Hibernate a bit. Consider your own thoughts and feelings first. Check in with your gut and and heart to see what they are telling you. That yields very valuable information. You can make room for new growth (and probably already have been). A simple activity is to list things that you are grateful for. Writing them down is powerful, but so is saying them aloud. Your voice has a vibration which is recognized by the universe. Either way, you are signaling positivity and you know, like attracts like. You’ll be surprised at how long your list becomes the more you practice gratitude.
Examples: Thank you universe for… family, friends, health, food, shelter, comfort, warmth, sunshine, fresh air, ocean, pumpkins, love, freedom, safety, security…
Another simple way to attract positive energy is to sit in quiet, and make a list of I AM statements. That basically sends a message to the universe that you are like a magnet for positive energy and ready to receive more. The more you do this exercise the easier it will become. Try to be specific as spirit is not great at reading between the lines (they are quite literal). Write the statements as if they are all already true and happening, even if you only 2% believe it.
I AM at peace.
I AM beautiful.
I AM intelligent.
I AM supported in all ways by my spirit team.
I AM experiencing professional freedom.
I AM financially wealthy.
I AM grateful for the abundance of love in my life.
We all contribute to the collective consciousness. The more positivity we send into the universe the more positivity reflects back to Earth. That is good for everyone! If you find yourself going down a rabbit hole, you can say “Cancel, clear, delete.” Then restate that thought in a positive way.
When I said that this November is like a “cornucopia of abundance”, I did not say that you would like everything being offered. However, you can pick and choose what you will tolerate or not. You can decide how you will react to situations. Most importantly, you can help chart this new terrain with your positive thinking and actions. As an older soul you will find yourself as the adult in the room. Your actions will have a trickle down effect on those around you. Try to see this time through children’s eyes, with wonder and excitement instead of apprehension. What is going to happen next? How will this adventure unfold? Let’s see!
For more specifics on the astrology of what is happening at this time, check out what Pam Gregory has to say. She’s lovely!
New Moon in Scorpio November 1st 2024
Finally, I’ll leave you with this song that caught my attention recently. It feels very timely. Jesus Jones Right Here, Right Now